Kids Gardening Club

A central ambition of the Britain’s Biggest Living Garden project is to put kids right at the heart of it. Not only is gardening, and spending time outdoors great for their physical and mental health, but training and inspiring the next generation to show that the small actions they take outside make a huge difference will also create the custodians of our environment for decades to come.

Our kids gardening club launched in April 2024 based in a patch of un-loved lawn adjacent to St Judes church in Central Square. Since then over 70 children, their parents & carers and a team of volunteers have transformed the space into a vibrant, beautiful, wildlife friendly and productive garden that is open to the the community all the time, and now welcomes a continuous stream of visitors every day.

The kids living garden now features the only communal, open to all, wildlife pond in the area; raised beds growing a host of fruit & vegetables; a herb “spiral” made from reclaimed bricks; a packed greenhouse; the popular “amazing maize maze” beds and a log circle complete with firepit for roasting marshmallows. The club is generously supported by donations from HGS RA, HGS Hortsoc and other local supporters; generous discounts from Finchley Nurseries, Sarah Raven & Equigrow and a continuous stream of tools, plants and materials donated by the local community.

We are currently planning to commence the 2025 season in early February, as we start tidying the garden after winter and sowing seeds for the spring. This year we will also be taking on the development of a new woodland garden next to the Inspire Centre off central square. The club meets every Tuesday from 4-6pm, with refreshments generously provided in the vicarage. You can come late or leave early as works best for your schedule but we look for a regular attendance commitment so can plan accordingly.

Kids and their carers are partnered with regular volunteers to complete various tasks around the garden and learn new skills with plenty of chance to run around and have fun as well as regular harvesting (and eating) of produce. We also often host specialist wildlife workshops with visiting experts both in the garden, and around the local area. The club aims to be fully inclusive, open and welcoming to all.


  • Open to kids aged from 1-18

  • Tuesdays, 4-6pm. Occasional additional sessions. Commencing from early Feb - possibly for shorter sessions

  • Every week - rain or shine, school holidays or not

  • We require a parent or guardian to attend with all children, and maintain responsibility for their child’s safety (because of insurance… yawn). To make the garden safe and inclusive for all, we ask that carers are also in charge of their children’s behaviour - maintaining respect for the garden, the other children and the volunteer helpers

  • Ideally children (and adults) will come prepared with their own gardening gloves and spade.

  • Please see this as a regular commitment for your child rather than an occasional drop in, so we can plan accordingly

  • Whilst there is no set fee, it would be great if families can contribute what they can towards any running costs -for tools, materials etc. So simply pay what you can. We suggest a £25 donation, payable after the second session. You can make a bank transfer, or use a card reader

If you have any questions, or would like to volunteer to help run the club, then please submit a “Get In Touch” request at the bottom of the page


Friends of Lyttelton